Putting together a blog post is like constructing a building. There are different parts to the blog that will make it achieve your purpose. But of all these the title is the most important.
Crafting a powerful title for your blog post is a skill you must master as a blogger. Your post titles are simply headlines that could make or break your posts!
In this post I want to reveal a simple tactic that you can use to greatly empower your post titles. I’m sure you’ve heard about the why and how to optimize your titles for the search engines. All that is good stuff. But the tactic I want to reveal here is something that will take your post titles to another level when it come to search engine optimization.
This simple tactic could really be laid out in 3 components. But I’ll simply handle it by breaking it up as follows:
1. Write For Your Regular Readers:
The first aspect of your blog title you want to work on is writing a title that will peek the interest of your regular readers. To get this right you want to know what has been popular with your readers and the topic you’re dealing with in your particular blog post.
Once you’ve these in place, craft a blog title that will make them click and read more.
Remember your regular readers will not go to google before they come to your blog. They are not searching for your site. Either they will come via RSS feed or they might simply enter your blog URL into their blowser.
But once they are on your blog, the first thing that will entice them to read more is the title. So put in your best in writing that title. Frankly you may forget about seo here as that will be taken care of below!
Well, that’s not much or is it?
On to #2!
2. Polish Your Title For The Search Engines:
Now this is where the fun starts.
I know you’re not writing only for your regular readers. You also want to get more search engine traffic, or don’t you?
Ok, search engine traffic is frankly a different ball game. To achieve that you’ll need to make sure that your post does not only appear on the search engine results but the title actually makes people to click and visit your blog.
What you need do is to easily work on the same title you’ve written and make it do the work for you. You can easily do this with any seo plugin like All In SEO Pack plugin.
Once you’ve this installed, before publishing your blog post, take the same title you’ve written and rework it. Ensure that you build in a little curiosity and your target keywords/phrases into it. Enter the new title into the SEO box in your writing section. It’s something like this:
3. Shorten and SEO The Post Link:
One other thing you can do to empower the title is to shorten and seo the post link. This can be done easily using the new permalink feature of wordpress. Just below the title pane you’ll see the post permalink.
Click on the “Edit” button and then enter a short and optimized link with your keywords/phrase. For example on this post the permalink is, “http://webincomejournal.com/1325/headlines-simple-seo-tactic.” Once you’ve entered what you want click on “ok”.
4. Craft A Powerful Description For The Post:
The last thing you’ll want to do before publishing your post is to enter a description for the post.
Understand that when it comes to search engine marketing what will help your blog article to achieve its purpose of drawing traffic to your blog is its ability to offer something of interest to the searcher.
Getting on the first page of Google is nothing. What really matters is that people click on your links and visit your blog. And most times what will achieve this is not just the title but the title in conjunction with the description.
It must interest you to know that if you don’t give the search engines a description, they will simply take the first few words on your post and return that as the description. Or most times they return your blog home description!
This does not only affect the search engine ranking of that post but also may not peek the interest of that particular searcher.
So how do you give the search engines a description for each of your post?
You simply take that post’s target keywords/phrases and write a short description for the post. All In One SEO Pack plugin is handy here also. Just below the title pane of the plugin you’ll see the pane for the description. Enter the description here. For example, for this post here is the description I used,
“Writing SEO blog titles are a good way of driving organic targeted traffic from the search engines. Read this post and discover a simple way of doing this..!”
Now if you look at that description you’ll discover that those sentences never appeared any where on the post itself. But simply putting them there is a boost to the effectiveness of the post when it appears on the search engine results.
So Let’s See The Results Of This Simple SEO Tactic!
Yes, I want to show how this tactic will come out at the end of the day! So let’s use this very blog post. I’ve just published it before taking this screen shots. First how the post appears on your blog page:
and here’s how it appears on your title bar:
Do you note that the post title on the blog page is different from the one on the title bar? The one on the blog is visible to your readers why the one the task bar is what searchers will see on the search engines.
This is really powerful. You can use this to empower your blog titles for more SEO results every time!
So let’s hear what you think of this tactic. Have you been using it? If so how effective has it been to you?
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How to Write a Good Blog Title: SEO Title Tips! was first posted on February 8, 2019 at 10:28 am.
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